How to Get Rid of Iguanas

Learn the Best Methods for Getting Rid of Iguanas on Your Property in Florida

Southwest Florida is known for its tropical climate and the vast wildlife that call the area home.

That includes some pretty neat lizards, like iguanas, that can be fun, but also can cause problems around homes and businesses.

Iguanas have become a more common wildlife pest in recent years, partly due to everything the sunshine state has to offer: warm weather, burrow-friendly landscapes, abundant vegetation, and few predators.

Until recently, it was quite common for homeowners to try to keep an iguana or two as a pet. But a surge in population has turned iguanas into a nuisance.

This increase in iguana population has led to residents searching for professional iguana removal and prevention tips that will work for them.

How to Keep Iguanas Away from Your Home

An iguana that burrows along or underneath a sidewalk, foundation, seawall or other manmade structure can cause structural damage.

Iguanas will use their razor-sharp teeth to make their way through anything from roof materials to phone and electrical wires.

In addition to damaging homes and businesses, iguanas carry diseases that are harmful to humans and animals.

Most commonly, iguanas can carry and transmit Salmonella and Leptospirosis.

Signs of a Salmonella infection include high fever and severe abdominal cramps, while Leptospirosis signs include muscle aches, rash, and jaundice.

To ensure your property isn’t overrun by nuisance iguanas, and to prevent the spread of disease, it’s best to follow a few different iguana control methods.

Eliminate the Source of Food

The first step, which should be obvious, is to ensure iguanas don’t have a reason to wander onto your property.  This means removing any potential food source — especially if anyone in your family has been known to share treats with the lizard.

Iguanas are primarily herbivores and enjoy eating leafy greens, fruits, and flowers.

This can be problematic for those who enjoy having a garden on their property.

Aside from fencing in your garden or building a greenhouse; pureeing garlic, lemon juice, and habanero peppers with water will create a mixture that iguanas won’t want to eat.

They could also find tasty treats in your garbage. It’s important to keep garbage in sealed containers and to empty the containers regularly.

Modify the Habitat

Modifying the habitat is one of the most effective forms of iguana control for homeowners and business owners.

Iguanas found in Florida enjoy a variety of habitats, but most commonly iguanas can be found in agricultural areas and small towns or developments.

Clearing your property of thickets and bushes that would otherwise act as protection is a good first step for property owners who think they might have an iguana issue.

If you have spotted burrows around the property, having them filled in is another easy way to handle iguana removal and control.

Following these steps will encourage the iguana(s) to leave your property and seek food and shelter elsewhere.

closeup of a large green American iguana with black and gray spots resting on a gray cement wall next to green shrubs

Iguana Exclusion Techniques

While the above steps to deter iguanas from taking over your property are a great start, without proper home exclusion implemented, another iguana will surely find something appealing about the home or business and make their way back.

Once the reptile has left the impacted area, installing a full-exclusion system for iguanas is the best way to prevent them from entering structures on the property in the future.

The most effective way to permanently exclude iguanas, and other nuisance wildlife, from your home or business is with Cat-Guard Exclusion Systems — Catseye Pest Control’s state-of-the-art exclusion system.

This proprietary system is safe and will protect your family and business for years to come.

Among the iguana exclusion techniques provided by Catseye, iguana-made burrows are filled, and trees are wrapped with metal guards to prevent climbing.

Professional Iguana Trapping & Removal

Although trapping and releasing iguanas can be an effective form of iguana control in Florida, it can be quite difficult for someone without the proper training and knowledge. And as we’ve learned, it’s only part of the solution to effective iguana control.

Thus, working with a professional wildlife expert is important when dealing with iguanas.

The unique approach from Catseye technicians when it comes to wildlife like iguanas and other lizards combines prevention techniques, localized pinpointing of impacted areas, and monitoring signs of potential issues.

Providing homeowners and business operators with a superior level of expertise identifies the root of the issue and allows our technicians to create a customized plan of action.

This customized plan will help to resolve the issue and protect your home, garden, and business from iguanas and other unwanted wildlife.

To learn more about our iguana control and exclusion techniques, contact our wildlife control and removal professionals today.


About The Author

Joe Dingwall

Joe Dingwall is the president of Catseye Pest Control, a family-owned business that has been delivering quality pest control solutions to properties across the Northeast since 1987. With almost a decade of experience in the pest control industry, Joe is an expert in delivering effective pest and nuisance wildlife management solutions for homes and businesses.