Keep Your Property Safe with Professional Wildlife Control Services

Protecting your home, business, and property investments from wildlife invasions is the top priority at Catseye Pest Control. That’s why we are proud to offer industry-leading wildlife control programs alongside award-winning customer service.

Our residential and commercial wildlife control experts begin the process with a detailed no-cost inspection of the home or other structure where the wildlife problem is discovered. This inspection will identify the wildlife problem(s) and our experts are then able to create a wildlife removal plan tailored to your situation.

Wildlife Clean-Up & Exclusion

Wildlife, such as squirrels or bats, will often use insulation to make a nest in soffits, which prohibits proper ventilation, ice buildup, and water damage.

They can also bring in ticks, bacteria, and diseases that can be harmful to humans and house pets. Not to mention the potential dangers of their droppings and the problems it can cause for your family as well.

Cleaning the affected area and the surrounding areas after a wildlife infestation is an important part of preventing any further damage to the property.

To start, our wildlife experts will perform a no-cost inspection of your home, which allows us to design a personalized cleanout plan.

We remove old or damaged insulation, clean and disinfect droppings, remove nests, and install new insulation. In unfinished basements and crawl spaces, especially for rodent clean-up services, we can install a new vapor barrier to help prevent moisture damage that comes from the soil.

Wildlife clean-up services from Catseye will ensure the basement, attic, and crawl spaces are dry and clean, leaving you feeling rest assured that these places are safe.

Benefits of Professional Wildlife Control

Unlike traditional wildlife control services that may involve harmful chemicals or traps, home exclusion is the only safe, humane, and permanent way to protect a home or business against rodent and wildlife problems they are naturally prone to.

Catseye’s proprietary Cat-Guard Exclusion System ensure your home or office is protected from potential pest and wildlife infestations.

The three-part system uses long-term solutions to protect homes, businesses, and other structures from nuisance wildlife.

Whether it’s squirrels, birds, raccoons or other nuisance wildlife, Catseye can fulfill the wildlife exclusion and wildlife cleanup at your home, office, or other structures need.