Getting Rid of a Hornet Nest in a Tree

light-gray, cone-shaped hornet nest hanging from thin branch of brown tree covered in green leaves

Learn How Pest Control Experts Can Help to Remove a Hornet Nest from Your Property — Including Nests Found in a Tree

Among the most common, territorial stinging insects native to the Northeast are wasps, some species of which are referred to as hornets, like the bald-faced hornet.

Hornets tend to be aggressive, especially towards those who come too close to the colony’s nest.

Unintentional encroachers may find themselves under attack by groups of the stinging pests.

A hornet’s stinger possesses venom that can trigger life-threatening reactions such as anaphylaxis in some individuals — making the idea of a hornet nest in a nearby tree particularly alarming to homeowners and business owners alike.

With the threats hornets can pose to a property, it is important that property owners understand how to identify a hornet nest in a tree and who to contact to have it safely removed.

Identifying a Hornet Nest in a Tree

Hornet nests typically start to appear in April with the onset of warmer temperatures.

When temperatures reach over 50 degrees Fahrenheit, the impregnated queen — the only surviving member of the previous year’s colony, comes out of hibernation and begins building a new nest.

Hornets do not reuse old nests. This is generally because the nests can’t withstand the intense rain, wind, and snow that comes with cold Northeastern winters — they become damaged beyond repair.

The queen uses her saliva and chewed-up wood pulp to construct the new nest, inside of which she will produce the next generation of worker hornets who can then take over expanding the nest.

Hornets tend to build nests at least three feet above the ground. Most can be found established in treetops, canopies, or the eaves of a building.

Hornet nests generally look like upside-down, papery cones with a single round hole serving as the main entrance.

light-gray hornet nest built on brown-colored tree branches with green leaves in background

Some types of hornets, such as the European hornet, which is the only true hornet species in the United States, tend to build nests in wall voids or tree cavaties.

Hornet nests in tree trunks and cavaties are more difficult to spot, but the trees that host such hornet nests are usually dead or dying.

Queen hornets also use deceased or rotting tree trunks to overwinter by burrowing underneath the bark for warmth.

The size of a hornet nest is proportional to the size of the colony it belongs to. Hornet colonies generally include 100 to 800 workers.

Nests can be as small as a softball or can become as large as a basketball, so the sooner a hornet nest is removed, the better.

light-gray European hornet nest nestled in the crevice of brown tree trunk, tree branches with green leaves in background

Dangers of Removing Hornet Nests without a Pest Control Professional

Whether contained deep within a tree’s cavity or hung from its highest branches, hornet nests can be difficult — even dangerous, to reach. Moreover, hornets are overprotective of the colony’s queen and dwelling.

Attempts to remove the nest can instigate a collective attack from the hornet colony. Hornet stingers are long and sharp enough to puncture through most types of cloth, including cotton and polyester.

The insect’s stings are painful and can cause itchiness and swelling around the affected area. In extreme cases, stings from the pest can cause a fatally allergic reaction resulting in anaphylactic shock.

A single hornet can sting multiple times before dying, giving the pest ample opportunity to sting an inexperienced person attempting to remove the nest.

Considering the dangers, untrained individuals should not try to remove a hornet nest. Instead, they are encouraged to contact a licensed pest professional.

An experienced specialist can safely remove the nest and eradicate the pest without endangering themselves or others on the property.

Professional Hornet Nest Removal

A pest expert begins by conducting a thorough inspection of the property in an effort to identify the problem area(s).

Those who choose Catseye Pest Control receive a free, in-depth inspection of their home or business by a trained specialist who then creates a customized treatment plan based on that initial analysis.

Once the situation has been assessed, the pest expert can enact their plan of action. For Catseye technicians, this generally includes a combination of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices.

The IPM solutions used by Catseye technicians eradicate an infestation in an environmentally friendly way.

To remove a hornet nest, Catseye pest management experts have the equipment and education to get rid of it by first vacuuming the hornets out of the nest then dislodging the dwelling from the tree.

Once the nest has been contained and removed from the property, technicians can treat the surrounding area with traps or other barriers to prevent the hornets from building a new nest.

Hornet nest removal is a difficult operation that should only be handled by a professional as untrained individuals risk harming themselves and others if they attempt to address the situation alone.

Regain control of a property in a safe, efficient way with the assistance of a licensed pest expert.

Hornet Nest Removal with Catseye

Removing a hornet nest can be dangerous and ineffective when performed by anyone other than a pest technician.

Without the proper tools or knowledge, the chances of bodily injury and recurrence of the hornet problem increases significantly.

Maintain your safety and sanity by enlisting a Catseye pest management expert to remove a hornet nest from your tree or property. Catseye’s Hornet Nest Removal service ensures the stinging pest infestation is eliminated — leaving you with peace of mind.

To learn more about how Catseye can remove a hornet nest from your tree or property, contact us.


About The Author

Joe Dingwall

Joe Dingwall is the president of Catseye Pest Control, a family-owned business that has been delivering quality pest control solutions to properties across the Northeast since 1987. With almost a decade of experience in the pest control industry, Joe is an expert in delivering effective pest and nuisance wildlife management solutions for homes and businesses.