House Fly Facts

House flies are perhaps the most common fly in the U.S. (and probably in your household) is also sometimes referred to as a “filth fly.” The reason behind this is somewhat self-explanatory, as the flies are prone to carrying pathogen and bacteria that may be harmful to humans. Despite the relative danger of having such bacteria flown around homes, most homeowners consider them just an annoyance.

House Fly Bites

Though house flies do not bite humans, they still have the ability to harm humans and animals because their mouthparts can easily pick up diseases, bacteria and viruses off sewage and garbage they feed on. They can then transmit these pathogens onto you or your pets’ food.

Diet & Behavior

It’s a common misconception that house flies feed off of humans, but unfortunately their method of eating may be even more repulsive. To feed house flies secrete saliva onto their desired meal, and then consume it again, now with the nutrients of said food. Their foods of choice are organic matter, decaying or fresh. When around the dinner table these flies will often swarm around your meal searching for snacks to its liking. Sugary sodas and juices are quite the favorite of the house fly, and easily accessible if left uncovered in their presence.

Types of House Flies

House Fly Identification

In terms of appearance the house fly is gray, less than 4 to 7 millimeters long with four black stripes on its body. It has distinct red eyes, but this is a common trait among other species of flies and may not be a distinguishing by this trait alone. Their sound is another means by which many may recognize house flies, with its notoriously loud buzzing. Unlike gnats whose wings are too small, the house fly’s powerful wings make a noticeable (and genuinely annoying) hum as they whisk about your home.

House Flies In The Home & The Yard

House flies in your home are commonly found resting on walls, floors, and ceilings during the day. At nighttime they are more active and will hover or rest closer to sources of food. These flies are commonly found both inside and outside homes, but while outside they are often confused for bottle or cluster flies. When inside their behavior is distinguishable from these other flies as they are more comfortable around humans, and are quite difficult to deter from being around us!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you prevent a house flies infestation?

The most commonly used means of eliminating house flies (and flies in general) are sticky traps. These traps are designed to attract the fly, and then hold them in place through some sort of adhesive material. They are cheap, and readily available at most hardware stores, so it isn’t a terrible idea to try.

With any fly the idea is to not have to resort to traps, and thus the best solution is to insulate and seal your home properly. When leaving doors open be sure there is some sort of screen or other filtering material over the entranceway. Windows are another common means of entry for house flies. Don’t just screen them off, keep cracks in the foundation around window sills filled and sealed.

You should further be sure to dispose of organic matter and any other type of food that may attract flies. Even if “a few flies outside” may not seem like a bother, don’t ignore it until it becomes a whole generation (500 eggs) moving inside your home.

What are the benefits of professional house fly pest control?

A pest management professional has the education, equipment and skills necessary to effectively address a house fly problem. Finding and treating the house flies can be challenging, especially if they are hidden in the building. A pest management professional provides their expertise to identify the pest problem and determine the best possible solution to resolve the house flies infestation.