Carpet Beetle Facts

Also known as: varied carpet beetles or varied beetles

The name “carpet beetle” refers to the common occurrence or place where carpet beetle larvae can feed. Carpet beetles, although most of the time might be found inside a house, can also infest the habitat of other animals. Places like bird nests, old wasp nests, and flowers are common spots they can be found.

Carpet beetle mating usually takes place near a light source, and the female then can lay up to 100 eggs at once. After the eggs are laid, it takes only seven to 35 days for them to hatch into larvae.

Carpet Beetle Identification

Carpet beetle larvae are very small in size. They range from one millimeter in size to four millimeters. Their body is shaped like an oval and covered with flattened hairs and colored scales.  

Carpet Beetle Infestation

Adult male carpet beetles essentially show up in the springtime but can be found indoors year-round. And since most carpet beetles have the ability to fly, it makes it easy for them to gain access to a household.

Different food sources like leather, wool, silk, and animal hair could potentially attract larvae. Female carpet beetles lay eggs where a surplus of food can be found. Mating takes place next to a source of light and the females can produce up to 100 eggs at one time. Due to the number of eggs that can be laid at one time, and the short period of time it takes for those eggs to hatch, rapid numbers of carpet beetle offspring can be produced.

Big numbers, along with the ability to fly from place to place, can lead to huge problems for homeowners. Cutting off the food source won’t help, as carpet beetles can live weeks without a proper food supply. And, while we humans don’t prefer to eat alone and in the dark, carpet beetles do, making it difficult to find the source of infestation. This can lead to a large widespread infestation if not taken care of correctly and hastily.

Carpet Beetles in the House & the Garden

Carpet beetles are usually more of a household pest. The main food sources consumed by carpet beetles are dried means of protein, examples consist of hair, wool, silk, and different kinds of fur. The best way to keep them out of your garden and home is to reduce these types of food sources.

Carpet Beetle Bite

Carpet beetles do not bite but have been known to leave a red itchy welt due to allergic reactions. The reaction is caused by little hairs found on the larvae/beetle. Symptoms include intense itching, rash, and extreme irritation in certain areas. This is typically just a small reaction with no life-threatening results, but if you believe your rash is extreme, connect with a doctor and seek medical advice.

Benefits of Professional Carpet Beetle Pest Control

Carpet beetles can embed themselves in the carpet of a household and be extremely hard to find. If they are not found, they can reproduce at a high rate making extermination almost impossible. Professional pest control for carpet beetles will help completely extinguish these pests and keep them from coming back.     

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Know if I Have a Carpet Beetle Infestation on My Property?

Carpet beetles can be found in numerous places in a household. Spots like under the carpet, near lights or light sources, or by the windowsill. Adults are attracted to light so are likely to be around them.

The biggest sign of an infestation could be the destruction they leave behind. Things like molted skin and holes are traces of a carpet beetle infestation.

Why Do Carpet Beetles Mate Near a Light Source?

Most carpet beetle species are attracted to light, and it is also a spot where females tend to lay their eggs; near a light source.