Mosquito Facts

There’s always a buzz going on when spring comes around, but it’s not because of budding flowers or warmer weather. It’s the mosquito, that buzzing bother that loves to snack on your ankles and leave you itching for days. They may be bite and make you itch for days, but the real problem with mosquitoes is that they can transmit deadly diseases. Worldwide, there are roughly 3,000 different species of mosquitoes.

Mosquito Bites

Most people will only itch and scratch mosquito bites. In order to alleviate that annoying feeling, there are a variety of methods you can use. First, if you have some of that pink calamine lotion in your medicine cabinet, apply it generously to the bite. You may also want to try applying a hydrocortisone cream throughout the day until your symptoms die down. A paste made with equal parts water and meat tenderizer may also do the trick.The old standby ice can work as well. Keeping a cold pack on the bite should reduce the size and itchiness of that annoying bump on your ankle.

Mosquito Infestation

Any environment that is damp or prone to flooding is ideal for the mosquito. Adult females will lay their eggs on the surface of stagnant water. They can develop in as little as seven days, but this process can often take up to a month. The larvae of the mosquito are often called “wrigglers” because they bend and twist so they can move. Once they develop, they will hang around these water-saturated areas and annoy you and any party guests you may be entertaining.

Like most animals, mosquitoes get hungry. Males and females will feed on plant nectar and juices, but only females of many species suck blood from animals. She uses this blood for nutrients so that she can produce eggs after this meal. When she bites, she is also injecting you with her saliva, and this is what can transmit disease.

Types of Mosquitoes

Mosquito Identification

Mosquitoes can range in size from ½ an inch long up to 2 inches. Their bodies are narrow with hairy wings and extended, straw-like mouths. They’re also characterized by that notorious buzz you hear in your ear right as you’re ready to go to sleep.

Mosquitoes In Your Yard & The House

Stopping the mosquitoes from dropping by in the first place is most important! Always wear bug spray when you’re outdoors to deter the mosquitoes in your yard from coming around. Different oils, like citronella, castor, and cinnamon are known to scare off mosquitoes. Light a citronella candle and use the smoke to push the mosquitoes away. Don’t wear dark clothing because your body will retain more heat, thus attracting more mosquitoes because you’ll perspire more.Also think of using a mosquito net to cover the area you’ll be staying in. They’ll still be around, but at least they’ll be outside the barrier. Mosquitoes love white light, so using yellow, sodium, or LED bulbs won’t interest them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do mosquitoes transmit disease?

The mosquito just doesn’t take, it gives, too. They can transmit serious diseases like Malaria and West Nile Virus. While Malaria is all but wiped out in the United States because of vaccines, it is still a problem in developing countries. If you’ve been infected with Malaria, flu-like symptom will occur, along with fever, vomiting, and chills. This can be treated, however, so if you suspect Malaria, immediately seek medical attention.

West Nile Virus is one of the more well-known diseases transmitted by mosquitoes today. This normally shows up in the summer months and can continue on into the fall. Affected people may experience fever, tremors, disorientation, weakness, and paralysis among other severe symptoms. It is possible to have mild symptoms, or none at all, and still be infected. Signs will normally begin between 3 and 14 days after a bite. No specific treatment is available for this disease, and symptoms may subside on their own. However, in severe cases, medical watch may be required.

What are the benefits of professional mosquito pest control?

A pest management professional has the education, equipment and skills necessary to effectively address a mosquito problem. Finding and treating the mosquitoes can be challenging, especially if they are spread throughout your yard. A pest management professional provides their expertise to identify the pest problem and determine the best possible solution to resolve the mosquitoes infestation.