Surinam Cockroach Facts

There are many cockroaches that can be potential pests and annoyances to homeowners. Even those that are able to survive outside in the natural habitat like the oriental cockroach still venture inside for shelter and food quite often. One of the saving graces for you all is potentially the Surinam cockroach, one that rarely makes its way into the human habitat, save perhaps for water.

With that good news comes some bad new unfortunately; Surinam cockroaches are extremely partial to your gardens! It’s rare to see infestations of these cockroaches inside houses, and unlike other species, actually prefers the dirt and turf outside. This does mean that they are often seen in gardens throughout the south (most predominantly in Florida, Louisiana, and Texas).

Surinam Cockroach Infestation

These garden dwellers are significantly more comfortable in soil and dirt than they are in your basement, which is great news. The bad news is that your garden may become home to a whole burrow of these females if you aren’t careful.

You may not have to worry about cleaning your food scraps away with these ones, but you certainly need to watch out for your plants! Surinam cockroaches are not omnivores like its other relative roaches, and instead chooses to dine on your freshly planted foliage. Potted plants, flowers, tree leaves, and even weeds are all on the menu, so watch those petunias for bite marks.

The most interesting aspect of these cockroaches is the fact that there has not been a reported male in the United States for quite some time, and yet they are thriving. The reason behind this is that the females can reproduce through parthenogenesis, meaning no male is needed in the process. As such they have long since died out, and only the females continue to further along the generations of this pest.

Because of their habitat and diet, these insects are considered a destructive pest, often doing considerable damage to gardens over time. Since they do not need to find a mate, and the females can reproduce on their own, this species is a quick breeder. As such just a few in your garden or greenhouse can quickly turn into an infestation and result in lots of Surinam cockroach damage to your garden.

Types of Surinam Cockroaches

Surinam Cockroach Identification

These shiny brown cockroaches can grow up to an inch in length (although most average at around ¾ of an inch). These are easily confused with the oriental cockroach, and do have a somewhat similar appearance. The key distinguishing features are their rough abdominal area (compared to the smooth abdomen of the Oriental cockroach) as well as their olive/light green tinted wings.

Surinam Cockroaches In The House & The Apartment

In the rare cases that these pests are spotted inside homes, they typically confine themselves to potted plants (which are usually how they arrive in the homes to begin with).

Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I finding roaches in my plants?

Though Surinam cockroaches are not generally considered a pest, they can end up in your home via houseplants. They are transported through plant soil and end up infesting homes and buildings the plants are brought to.

Do surinam cockroaches bite?

Surinam cockroaches have the ability to bite, but are not known to bite people. The mouthparts of these cockroaches are so small that their bites would be harmless.

Do surinam cockroaches fly?

Female surinam cockroaches can’t fly. Males can, but only short distances.

How do you prevent a Surinam cockroach infestation?

Just as with normal cockroaches we would recommend you keep a clean house, with these girls you’ll want to keep a clean yard! It can be difficult to protect an entire garden or yard against an infestation, but there are some steps that can be taken to prevent burrows too close to the house.

First and foremost, make sure that any paved areas are sealed tight and free of cracks. That small patch of dirt in your driveway may look like a mild inconvenience, but you’ll hate it more when a burrow of Surinam cockroaches make there way inside it and widen it up a bit. Use this same mentality when examining the foundation of your home. Cracks in basement cement could provide a nesting area if they are not well maintained and kept clear of vegetation/soil.

Check under wood that is permanently outside, as it may be rotting and serving as host to these cockroaches. Further try to keep a look out for any disturbances to your garden/lawn. Bite-marks along the stems or leaves of plants may be a sign of just your average garden grubs, but it may just be a burrow of Surinam cockroaches nearby- so don’t dismiss it!

What are the benefits of professional surinam cockroach pest control?

A pest management professional has the education, equipment and skills necessary to effectively address a Surinam cockroach problem. Finding and treating the Surinam cockroaches can be challenging, especially if their home and eggs are spread throughout your house. A cockroach management professional provides their expertise to identify the pest problem and determine the best possible solution to resolve the Surinam cockroach infestation.