Flying Squirrel Facts

Flying Squirrel Damage

These squirrels can quickly become annoying if they decide to nest in houses or barns because of the noises they make at night. If they’re inside the home, flying squirrels can become create potential fire hazards as they tend to build nests in vents and chew on wiring. This can also cause electrical appliances to malfunction.

Munching on crops in your garden or on your freshly planted flower bulbs is not uncommon, either. Flying squirrels don’t mind pilfering bird seed, and they will help themselves to fruit and bark from trees, too.

Flying squirrels are also carry diseases. Mange, which is a disease that results in the loss of healthy fur, is not uncommon in these rodents. Getting scratched by an infected animal and can transmit cat scratch fever, which causes swollen, tender lymph nodes. Flying squirrel bites can transmit typhus. This disease can cause rashes as well as delirium. While it is rare, these squirrels may also carry rabies, a disease that can cause severe damage to the central nervous system if left unchecked.

Flying Squirrel Infestation

Flying squirrels are nocturnal, so sightings will mostly be during evening hours. If in your home, you may hear them scampering, chewing, or scratching as they move around and chase each other. Flying squirrel droppings will be found in distinct piles. They are oval-shaped and can measure up to 1/4 inch long.

They’ll build nests out of leaves and will normally make them in hollow spaces like an old woodpecker hole or hollowed-out tree limbs. These nest sites are most active in the spring and summer. If you find piles of gnawed nuts and acorns in your attic or walls, flying squirrels have moved inside your home.

Flying squirrels also enjoy eating fruit and other crops. If your flower bulbs or fruit trees appear damaged, they might be creeping around your property. Inside your home, you might notice holes in vents, eaves, and soffits. Flying squirrels may claw at your siding, tunnel inside your insulation, and even contaminate your stored foods by chewing or defecating on them.

Types of Flying Squirrels

Flying Squirrel Identification

There are two varieties of flying squirrels — the Northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus) and the Southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans). They are the only flying squirrel species that are native to North American. Both are grayish brown in color, but can vary in the coloration on their bellies

Northern Flying Squirrels

The northern flying squirrel is slightly smaller and can be six to 10 inches long. Northern flying squirrels are distinguished from their Southern counterparts by the fact that the hairs on their stomachs are gray with white tips.

Southern Flying Squirrels

The southern flying squirrel is slightly larger than its northern cousin, able to grow anywhere from 10 to 14 inches long. Their bellies are pure white.

Flying Squirrels in the Walls & Home

Flying squirrels love wooded areas that have a variety of different tree species. While some other squirrel varieties are particular about their tree homes, the flying squirrel will be happy making a nest anywhere that provides protection. Most often, you’ll find these squirrels denning in old woodpecker nest holes and in hollow tree limbs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do flying squirrel droppings look like?

Flying squirrel droppings are pellet shaped and are dark brown if fresh. Flying squirrel droppings are known to collect in distinct piles. The darker the color, the fresher. Signs of an extended infestation would be a mixture of dark and light brown droppings.

How do you control a flying squirrel infestation?

If flying squirrels are hovering around your home, it’s possible to have them take the first plane out. Don’t encourage them to come back by feeding them. Free meals are often one of the biggest reasons they’ll stick around. If you have bird feeders, consider removing them or making sure that seeds don’t spill around them. They probably are loving your gardens, too, so protecting them with fences may help. To stop them from getting inside in the first place, it may also help to trim back your tree branches, as this will make it more difficult for them to gain access to the rooftops and attics.

Ultimately, however, having a licensed pest control expert confront the infestation is the safest and surest way of resolving it.

What are the benefits of professional squirrel pest control?

Expert pest specialists have the educational background, equipment, and skill to control and remove wildlife nuisances from a property in a safe, efficient way.

If you’re struggling with squirrels on your property, contact us. Our technicians can remove the rodents and help you regain control of your property and sanity.