Facts About Wolf Spiders

Somebody call Duran Duran because this spider is hungry like the wolf. A champ at hunting without a pack, this spider will take any and every opportunity to feed upon unsuspecting prey.

Wolf spiders are sometimes confused with nursery web spiders and grass spiders, but you can tell them apart from these other two based on their eight, large and hungry eyes.

Wolf Spider Bites

However, you won’t want to pet a wolf spider if you see one. They have a tendency to bite if they are disturbed or if they feel threatened — even if you accidentally trap them against your skin.

Luckily, wolf spider bites aren’t very dangerous, as the venom isn’t toxic to humans. You may experience some pain or reddening of the skin, but that quickly subsides. A little ice will and elevation will take care of any discomfort you may experience.

Wolf Spider Infestation

Mating season for these spiders begins in the fall and males will die shortly afterward. The eggs spend the winter protected by their mother and will create cocoons during the spring. Baby spiders will hatch in the early part of summer. You might even see mother spiders carrying their young on their backs during this time. Females will live for several years once they reach maturity.

Types of Wolf Spiders

Wolf Spider Identification

The wolf spider is large with a hairy body that is a mix of colors including black, gray, and brown. They range from ⅜ of an inch to 1 inch long with eight long, spiny legs and eight eyes.

It’s possible to encounter some varieties that have a lighter body and leg colors with banding. Their color and appearance often leads them to be mistaken for tarantulas.

Wolf Spiders in the House & the Garden

Wolf spiders will burrow into the soil, under floorboards, stones, and firewood. Anywhere they have a low risk of being crushed, you’ll be sure to find them.

Although they only come out at night, they’re not maneaters. Wolf spiders prefer small, tiny insects that are easily digested.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Wolf Spiders Poisonous?

Wolf spiders do have venom that they use on prey, but it is not harmful to people. A wolf spider bite is usually nothing more than a small, itchy welt.

What are the Benefits of Professional Wolf Spider Pest Control?

A pest management professional has the education, equipment, and skills necessary to effectively address a wolf spider problem.

Finding and treating the wolf spider infestation can be challenging, especially if it is spread throughout the property.

A pest management professional provides their expertise to identify the pest problem and determine the best possible solution to resolve the wolf spider infestation.