Bald-faced Hornet Facts

Commonly found in North America across the 48 contiguous United States, as well as in Canada, the bald-faced hornet is not actually a true hornet. Instead, it is actually another variety of yellow jacket.

Bald-faced Hornet Stings

Bald-faced hornets are aggressive and have no problem attacking. If you are stung, first make sure to remove the stinger if it is still stuck in the affected area with tweezers. Do not squeeze the stinger, as it can inject more venom.

Next, ice the area. If you were stung on the arm or leg, make sure to keep it elevated. Make sure to remove any jewelry, too. If swelling occurs, rings, bracelets, and other jewelry may become difficult to take off.

The sting will be painful, so take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to lessen the sensation.

Itchiness may also occur. For this, you may take an antihistamine or apply a paste of baking soda and water, or calamine lotion.

Be sure to keep the area clean to prevent an infection.

If difficulty breathing, tightness in the throat, nausea, fast pulse, dizziness, or loss of consciousness occurs, seek medical attention immediately.

Bald-faced Hornet Infestation

The progression of the season will bring about 100 to 400 workers in the nest. These are often found in shrubbery and bushes, as well as attached to man-made structures like houses or commercial structures. These nests are usually gray and can be anywhere from 18 inches wide and 24 inches tall and up. Air vents are located at the top of the nest, allowing air in, but not other elements.

Bald-faced hornets will eat dead flies, yellow jackets, and other insects. However, as the summer progresses, those in the nest will eventually die off before the season’s first frost.

You might consider the bald-faced hornet helpful because they control other pest populations and they also pollinate flowers. Unless nests are located close to a structure where humans are constantly passing through, their nests can be ignored. However, those with known allergies may want to have the pest removed just as a precaution.

Types of Bald-faced Hornets

Bald-faced Hornet Identification

Commonly described as: white faced hornet.

Bald-faced hornets are characterized by the ivory white markings across their faces, thorax, legs, and abdomens. The queen and her offspring range in size from 13 to 20 millimeters with the queen being the largest in the nest.

Bald-faced Hornets In The Garden & The House

These pests will normally appear in the spring after fertilized queens, who had spent the winter in trees, under rock piles or bark, in attics, and in walls, become active and begin to build nests.

The queen collects cellulose from rotting wood, chews it, and with her saliva makes a paper-like material to construct the nest. She then creates a brood within the nest that later becomes responsible for its upkeep, food collection, and tending larvae.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between bald-faced hornets and bees?

Bald-faced hornets are smooth and shiny with narrow waists, while bees are more robust with hairy, almost fuzzy-looking bodies. Bald-faced hornets are scavengers that look for insects and spiders to eat. Bees eat pollen, nectar and sometimes honey.

What is the difference between bald-faced hornets and wasps?

Bald-faced hornets are actually a subset of wasps. Hornets tend to be a little larger, broader and more round than other wasps.

Are bald-faced hornets aggressive?

Most wasps and hornets are very territorial of their nests and can be aggressive if they sense intruders nearby. Bald-faced hornets will relentlessly defend their nest, but these hornets will not attack unless provoked while searching for food away from the nest.

What are the benefits of professional bald-faced hornet pest control?

A pest management professional has the education, equipment and skills necessary to effectively address a bald-faced hornet problem. Finding and treating the bald-faced hornet nest can be challenging, especially if the main nest is hidden somewhere outside. A pest management professional provides their expertise to identify and determine the best possible solution to resolve the bald-faced hornet infestation.