The Risks of Relying on Homemade Mousetraps

Have a mouse in your house you want to catch right now?

Tubes, bait, buckets, water, peanut butter – recipes for homemade mousetraps are all over the Internet with various levels of success promised. Unfortunately, a crafty homemade mousetrap that may or may not be successful won’t solve one key problem – where there is one mouse, there are probably more!

Mice reproduce quickly. With a gestation period of just 18-21 days, a female mouse can give birth to an average  of five or six mice (and sometimes as many as twelve). These female mice often have between five and ten litters every year.

And those baby mice? They can breed as early as six weeks old! Think of how many mice could be living in your house if the root of your rodent issue was left unsolved for even a few weeks.

Such quick reproduction and low-need nesting habits can make solving a rodent problem terribly difficult. Taking the wrong actions to control your rodent situation could cause serious issues. Your choice of homemade mousetrap or DIY rodent control might not be the best one for your situation. Improperly-placed bait could be retrieved by rodents without the trap being triggered. Some traps don’t kill rodents immediately, causing inhumane, painful deaths. Many poisoned baits are just as harmful to your children and pets as they are to the rodents you are targeting.

Proper rodent control remedies should be taken to prevent your rodent problem from worsening. Never shy from calling in the professionals to safeguard your home from mice and rat entry and sanitize the rodent-affected areas.

image via© Bazil8 | Stock Free Images & Dreamstime Stock Photos


About The Author

Joe Dingwall

Joe Dingwall is the president of Catseye Pest Control, a family-owned business that has been delivering quality pest control solutions to properties across the Northeast since 1987. With almost a decade of experience in the pest control industry, Joe is an expert in delivering effective pest and nuisance wildlife management solutions for homes and businesses.