5 Ways to Get Rid of Pigeons

Pigeons Can Cause Big Problems — and Messes — If Not Properly Dealt With

Pigeons are one of the largest and most common species of nuisance birds in the United States.

In the springtime, pigeons, like many other birds, are looking for a sheltered space to nest. That often translates to covered ledges around your home, porch, patio, or in a chimney or attic. Watching nesting birds build their homes, lay eggs, and take care of their chicks can be beautiful, but when they start to make it difficult for you to be in your own space, that’s a clear indicator they need to go.

Having pigeons inhabiting your living spaces can not only be harmful to the birds themselves, but also to humans’ health. According to Medical News Today, pigeons can carry bacteria of diseases such as E. coli, histoplasmosis, salmonella, St. Louis Encephalitis, and more. Pigeons are also carriers of other insects and pests such as fleas, ticks, and bird mites, which can also be a hazard to your health and overall well being.

Knowing how to keep these pesky birds away from your home will ensure that they don’t return to nest in an undesirable area. Here are five of our best ways to keep pigeons and their nests away and, if needed, get rid of them for good:

1. Use Visual Deterrents

Farmers used to use scare crows for their crops. While a big straw man may not be what you want to put up in your backyard, there are quite a few visual bird deterrents that you can use.

Some of the most common are statues of predators, mobiles (moving objects) that portray predators, or using reflectors to confuse the birds as to where they are flying, directing them away from your home.

2. Use Sound Deterrents

Sound deterrents are also commonly used to keep birds away.

Sound deterrents proven to work are those that emit the calls of predator birds. Due to the size of the birds nesting, playing calls of larger predator birds may be a fair solution to your bird problem. One commonly advertised sound deterrents are ultrasonic sound deterrents.

Ultrasonic sound deterrents are said to emit frequencies that confuse or frighten birds (and potentially other pests as well), but are inaudible to humans. However, studies show that birds have little to no sensitivity to ultrasonic sounds, making this method virtually ineffective.

3. Use Bird Barriers

Bird barriers are another method to help prevent birds from nesting on your roof or available ledges. Common bird barriers include bird spikes, netting, optical gels.

Bird spikes are set on ledges and prevent birds from being able stand and nest on said ledge. Netting can be used especially to cover nesting sites, as well as mesh wire that can be placed in potential nesting corners.

Optical gels are also useful as they incorporate the uses of the senses sight, sound, and touch to deter the birds. These gels are a non-harmful repellent and can be used in spaces that spikes or netting aren’t able to. They create an optical illusion to the birds eyes causing them to see fire though it is not really there. Optical gels also typically have a scent such as peppermint or cytrennela that birds tend to dislike and shews them away.

4. Close Off Entry Points

Birds often enter into the home through an open chimney or vent in your home.

Sealing off these entry points is a simple way to keep birds from getting into your home and nesting in those areas. Putting a lid on your chimney and a cover on your bathroom or dryer vents will be a huge help in keeping birds out.

5. Tidy Up Your Space

Leaving food scraps around make your space a larger target for birds to come. If you prefer to keep bird feeders or baths, make sure to place them in your yard fairly distanced from your home.

No matter where pigeons decide to nest in or around your home, handling it properly will save you a crapload of misery in the long run. 🙂

Moving or Removing a Bird Nest

Removing or moving a nest can be tricky, as there are laws that must be adhered to.

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act states that is it completely illegal to remove a native bird nest with eggs or chicks in it. Pigeon species protected by this law are:

  • Band-tailed, Patagioenas fasciata

  • Plain, Patagioenas inornata

  • Red-billed, Patagioenas flavirostris

  • Scaly-naped, Patagioenas squamosa

  • White-crowned, Patagioenas leucocephala

However, it is not illegal to remove a nest that belongs to a domestic pigeon/rock dove or any nest in which eggs have not yet been laid. If you can destroy the nest ahead of time, this is your best bet. If not, you will be waiting about four to six weeks before you can legally remove the nest.

For additional help or advice, contact our team of pest professionals today and find out what we can do for you and your bird problem.


About The Author

Joe Dingwall

Joe Dingwall is the president of Catseye Pest Control, a family-owned business that has been delivering quality pest control solutions to properties across the Northeast since 1987. With almost a decade of experience in the pest control industry, Joe is an expert in delivering effective pest and nuisance wildlife management solutions for homes and businesses.