Mite Facts 

Mites are tiny, often microscopic, arthropods. Like ticks, mites are in the scientific order Acari. There are many mite species, but it can be challenging to tell the difference between each species because they are so small.

Some mites are parasites of plants or animals. Other mite species eat mold or other decaying organic matter. Certain mites are important to the environment as decomposers while others, like house dust mites, are notorious pests. 

Mite Identification

Often, a microscope is needed to see a mite. Mites do not have antennae or distinctive body regions. They look oval with tiny “heads” and eight legs.  

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Control a Clover Mite Infestation?

While clover mites are not harmful to humans, they are a nuisance.

They can appear in large numbers, making them less than welcome. Many people are concerned because they think their home is being overrun by tiny red spiders.

The mites come out of nowhere, and disappear just as quickly. To remove any visible clover mites, wipe them away with a soapy rag or sponge. However, wipe carefully so as not to crush the mites. Applying too much pressure will cause the mites to leave their characteristic red stains.

You can also use a vacuum cleaner to get them out of harder to reach areas. A pest management professional can treat the foundation on the outside of your home to discourage the mites from entering your home.

What are the Benefits of Professional Clover Mite Pest Control?

A pest management professional has the education, equipment, and skills necessary to effectively address a clover mite problem.

Finding and treating the clover mites can be challenging, especially if their is a large population.

A pest management professional provides their expertise to identify the pest problem and determine the best possible solution to resolve the clover mite infestation.