Sparrow Facts

Sparrows can be found in most parts of the world. Mating happens from early March through late August. It is possible for sparrows to live up to 13 years. They commonly feed on millet, bird seed, corn, sunflower seeds, and insects. Sparrows can be considered a nuisance because their territorial nature causes them to threaten other birds.

Sparrow Damage

Sparrows create small nests in the eaves and walls of buildings as well as in the holes of trees. Their nests are made of dried vegetation, feathers, string, and paper. Unlike other birds, sparrows hop rather than walk. Sparrows also love rolling around in dust.

Sparrow Infestation

Sparrows tend to feed on grains in fields as well as those that are stored. They peck at crops to find food, so they will damage buds, blowers, vegetables, and fruits in the process. As most of these foods are used to sustain livestock, sparrows can transmit viruses like gastroenteritis and salmonella to animals and people. Sparrows can also contaminate stored food with stray feathers and bird droppings. They may even inadvertently introduce beetles, mites, ticks, and other pests onto a property. Sparrows are also fierce competitors, so they will often drive out other birds then destroy the young.

Types of Sparrows

Sparrow Identification

Sparrows can be between six and seven inches long and have a nine-inch wingspan. Their bodies are gray with brown backs streaked with black. Male sparrows have reddish-brown streaks above their white cheeks and a black chest.

Sparrows on the Roof & in the Chimney

Sparrows are often found around people and the buildings they inhabit. You’ll find them not only flying around your backyard, but also in cities, towns, suburbs, and even farms. Most of a sparrow’s food supply is taken from people as the little birds eat discarded leftovers, seeds, worms, and insects.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I control a sparrow nesting problem?

You’ll want to cover up openings and other possible nesting locations found throughout the property. Covering these areas with plywood or wire mesh will help exclude sparrows. If sparrows are nesting on vines or ivy growing against the siding of your house, cover this with green or black mesh to discourage perching.

While sparrows love to kick out other birds from their nests, it is possible to exclude them from birdhouses by installing structures with smaller entryways that can be used only by tiny birds like wrens.

It may also help to get rid of nesting sites in shrubbery or trees. This will discourage sparrows from returning. Sparrows aren’t affected by noisemakers or visual deterrents. To completely remove sparrows from a property, homeowners and business owners should seek professional help.

What are the benefits of professional sparrow pest control?

A licensed pest control specialist not only removes wildlife pests from a property, but also keeps them from returning. Our experts can handle all sorts of infestations and use a variety of methods to get the job done safely.

If your home, business, or property is facing a sparrow nesting problem or infestation, contact us. Our technicians can remove the wildlife nuisance and help you regain control of your property and sanity.