Finch Facts

The finch is natives to the Northern Hemisphere and found across North America. Several different species of finches exist and they can live for up to six years. Finches feed mostly on insects and seeds.

closeup of gray finch perched on brown tree branch with white flower buds

Finch Damage

The finch is known for its constant chirping. Properties that face a finch infestation or nesting problem are alerted to it as the bird is loud and travels in groups or flocks. Finches feed on the ground or through bird feeders, and like to perch in tall trees. Nests are made of stems, leaves, roots, twigs, wool, and feathers. Finch nests are long, and can reach up to seven inches in length. Parks, backyards, farms, and forests are favorite spots for this bird.

Finch Infestation

Finches love fruit. On blueberry bushes, they will start at the top and work their way down, eating the fruit as fast as they go. Finches also bust open juicy fruits like grapes as they like to eat the pulp. When it comes to feasting on apples, they will leave tiny puncture marks in the fruit that will open the plant up to further insect damage, or even disease. For these reasons, finches pose a threat to orchards and fruit crop farms.

The combined weight of finch nests and droppings can be too much for some manmade structures to bear. In instances where finch populations get out of hand, structural damage can occur.

Types of Finches

Finch Identification

Finches are generally small in size but can grow anywhere between three to 10 inches long. Finches come in a variety of different colors, including brown, green, blue, gray, and yellow.

Finches on the Roof & in the Chimney

Finches are not shy birds. Anywhere humans live, finches will live, too. Finches often found nest around buildings, lawns, trees, barns, and stables. Some finch species thrive in warm, dry areas like deserts and grasslands.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I remove finch nests?

Finches can be difficult to remove, especially if they’re pregnant or laying eggs. Certain states have regulations protecting finches during mating and egg laying seasons. Removing finches during such times may be prohibited.

Removing nests of any wildlife nuisance or pest can be extremely troublesome and even dangerous for the untrained individual.

To ensure the safety of everyone on the property and to keep the issue from recurring, it’s best to have a licensed professional confront a finch infestation.

What are the benefits of professional finch pest control?

A pest management professional has the equipment and skills necessary to effectively address a finch problem. Removing finches from a property can be challenging, especially if the flock is particularly large or expanding. A pest management professional can identify the pest problem and determine the best possible solution to resolve the finch infestation.

If you find finches are causing trouble in your neighborhood, home, or property, contact us. Our technicians can remove the wildlife nuisance and help you regain control of your property and sanity.