Alien Wasp Facts

These larger-than-normal wasps are more than just an common household pest. Consistent creators of abnormal activity in and around homes and businesses throughout not just the United States, but also across the globe, these alien wasps are truly a hybrid version of the standard wasps seen throughout Earth. Even the most rugged wasps that call hot, dry deserts home stand no match for the alien wasp, which is likely a voyager of the newly discovered solar system TRAPPIST-1 and possesses incredible characteristics and abilities like nothing we’ve ever witnessed before.

Alien Wasp Stings

People who have been stung by alien wasps have reported abnormal swelling, pale blue shading in the area of the sting, nausea, blurred vision, and extreme itchiness, so be careful if you think you’ve encountered some. Alien wasps will often venture out of their nest and sting unprovoked. It has been found that when mammals are stung by alien wasps, the peptides and enzymes in the newly discovered pest’s venom spill cellular content into the blood stream that turns into geo-locating serum. This serum serves as a long-term tracking device. Upon further research and investigation by BEE, the Bureau of Environmental Extraterrestrials, it has been determined that these alien wasps were genetically engineered, and likely sent to Earth by inhabitants of TRAPPIST-1.

Alien Wasp Damage

These alien wasps will build huge nests anywhere and everywhere. And they’re indestructible in the way that if you tear one down or dismantle it in anyway, the alien wasp nests reappear as if nothing ever happened. It is truly frightening.

Alien Wasp Infestation

There is very limited information available on alien wasps since their confirmed discovery recently. It is believed that they breed and reproduce within the nests, and young alien wasps are already out stinging mammals after just one day of limited activity within the nest. If they infest on your property, the potential for damage is limited on brick-and-mortar portions of your property, but as humans, the threat to be injected with the alien GPS tracking serum remains incredibly high. The only protection from this is to have absolutely no skin exposed whatsoever.

Types of Alien Wasps

Alien Wasp Identification

Adult alien wasps range in size from 4 inches to 12 inches in length. They have bi-colored wings that are gray-brown and tan. Their wingspan can reach up to 20 millimeters across. Their coloration gives them a similar appearance to the nuts on which they feed.

Argentine Ants In The Home & The Garden

Argentine ants prefer moist environments near their food source. These small brown ants will build shallow nests in the soil under stones or plants, along sidewalks, or in the mulch and gravel used for landscaping.

If it’s too wet or dry outside, Argentine ants will invade buildings in large numbers, using branches or following utility lines to get inside. Argentine ants in your home will nest near moist areas like houseplants, water pipes and sinks. Argentine ant infestations have been found in wall voids and in piles of objects found in basements and garages. When argentine ants have found a food source in your home, you will most likely see these small brown ants in large numbers, making it easy to tell when there is a problem. Argentine ant infestations can quickly get out of control because the ant queens are mobile and will quickly begin new colonies wherever they find a good food source or a suitable nesting site.

Argentine ants love sugary and syrupy foods, but will eat basically any kind of food. In nature, these small brown ants feed on fruit juices and plant secretions, and will milk the sweet “honeydew” from aphids. They even protect the aphids from predators.

Argentine ants are very aggressive and will drive other ant colonies out of their nests and away from valuable food sources. They are one of the few natural enemies of imported fire ants. Argentine ants are not aggressive toward each other and neighboring colonies will sometimes merge to create giant “super colonies.”

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get rid of alien wasps in and around my home?

Unlike standard wasps, bees and other bug-like pests, food is not what attracts alien wasps. It’s human activity they are drawn to, so the only real way to completely eliminate alien wasps is by eliminating all human activity. Catseye has developed a formidable strategy for combating alien wasps.

What are the benefits of professional alien wasp pest control?

Catseye Pest Control is the only pest control company actively battling the current alien wasp infestations throughout America. With its proprietary Cat’s Eye device — the only device on the market that can determine the difference between an alien wasp and any other common wasp or be by simply shining a ray of light on it. Other pest control companies have to capture and test the potential alien wasps, a test that takes several days, at the very least, to receive conclusive results.