Pest Control for Carpenter Ants

When it comes to carpenter ants, they can cause a number of problems for homeowners. Often going unnoticed until extensive damage has already been done, it is especially crucial to find th e nesting sites before the ants can cause structural damage.

We want to ensure that homes or businesses remain free of carpenter ants even long after we remove them. This is why we’ve designed carpenter ant treatment services specifically designed to protect buildings against future carpenter ant infestations.

Whether they’ve invaded your home or commercial business, we have the skills, equipment, and experience to effectively control any carpenter ant problem you are experiencing, no matter how big or small.

Carpenter Ant Treatment & Removal

Carpenter ant control requires a combination of two strategic treatments. Catseye’s Carpenter Ant Eradication Program includes both treatments spaced about 10 days apart to eliminate these pests.

Step 1

Locate The Colony

Often, the main part of the colony is found in a fallen tree or stump in your yard and expanded with satellite colonies into your house.

Step 2

Nest Injection

We inject a material into the nest that flushes the ants and eradicates them. This treatment also prevents eggs in the nest from developing and sterilizes any remaining adult ants.

Step 3

Bait Treatment

Carpenter ant bait treatment recruits foraging ants to help eradicate the colony when they bring bait back into the nest. After getting rid of the colony, we clean and disinfect the area.

Step 4

Spot treatment

During the second treatment we will spot-treat and reapply the residual material as needed. Any deceased ants and nesting material will also be removed.

Step 5

Damage Repair

Catseye also has a home repair team available to remove and replace moisture-damaged wood and perform any other carpenter ant damage repair.

Caddie pose
Home with Catseye Platinum Home Protection

The Ultimate Home Protection from Carpenter Ants

The Catseye mission is to protect your business by providing the best carpenter ant treatment and award-winning customer service. We are experts at carpenter ant elimination through a time-tested process that includes:

  • Platinum Home Protection Money-Back Guarantee
  • Free Inspection of Your Home
  • Customized Treatment Plan
  • Comprehensive, In-Depth Service Visits
  • Flexible Scheduling & Emergency Visits
  • Secure Online Account & Dedicated Customer Service Representative
  • Catseye’s Signature Service Scan System & Reporting

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Carpenter Ants Cause Damage?

Carpenter ants are mostly known for further damaging wood that has been already softened by moisture, but these pests can also bite. Carpenter ants will only bite if they are handled or threatened.

Carpenter ants can sometimes cause structural damage in large infestations.

Every spring and summer, winged carpenter ants fly into the air to mate and begin a new colony. These “swarms” are looking for the perfect spot to build their colony and will sneak into your home through cracks in windows, doors, and the foundation.

Wood ruined by your leaky kitchen sink or malfunctioning laundry machine is heaven to a carpenter ant. The worker ants build tunnels for the colony by chewing off bits of wood and kicking the sawdust outside of the nest.

Unlike termites, carpenter ants don’t eat wood — they prefer sweets and proteins.

What Are the Signs of Carpenter Ants?

Other signs include finding small piles of sawdust and hearing rustling sounds coming from within a wall. Look for these indicators in places around your home where there is excess moisture. These are the areas where carpenter ants like to nest.

Look for these telltale signs of carpenter ants:

  • Flying ants around the house. One of the most common signs of carpenter ants is seeing a swarm of winged ants in or near your home.
  • Trails of ants traveling through your house
  • Noticing ants foraging in your house particularly, between sunset and midnight
  • Small piles of sawdust
  • Rustling sounds at night while the worker ants are busy building galleries

How Do You Prevent Carpenter Ants in Your Home?

Carpenter ant infestations can be tricky to eradicate because this ant species is known for building satellite nests in different places. Our pest management professionals have the experience and tools to find and treat all nests within your home.

Follow these preventative tips to protect your home from a carpenter ant infestation:

  • Store firewood away from the home and trim back bushes and trees from the edge of the house.
  • Fix water leaks and adjust the grading around your house so there is no standing water.
  • Install proper screening in windows and door sweeps on entry doors.
  • Seal cracks in the foundation with caulk.
  • Regularly wipe down counters and vacuum floors to remove crumbs that could attract ants.
  • Use airtight containers to store food in the pantry.

If you think you have carpenter ants, don’t wait. Contact us for your free inspection today.