Brownbanded Cockroach Facts

These small quick little pests are some of the most pervasive of cockroaches, with reported cases all across the U.S. Of the many different types of cockroaches brownbanded cockroaches are among the smallest, measuring at under an inch. That doesn’t stop them from being a nuisance, especially given their speed, and tendency to hide their eggs under our furniture. Brownbanded cockroaches are known to spread at least 33 different kinds of bacteria, making them a concern for any homeowner. They spend the majority of their time crawling around on less than sanitary surfaces, attracting and picking up germs and potentially harmful human pathogens.

Brownbanded Cockroach Bites

The brownbanded cockroach is not adapted to fighting or attacking, so aggressiveness is not a concern.

Brownbanded Cockroach Infestation

Brownbanded cockroaches prefer a much warmer, drier climate, usually 80 degrees and above. These pests do not construct their own nest or home, instead preferring to use what is readily available to them (i.e, your home).

Unlike wasps, which traditionally have a preferred insect or food to hunt for, brownbanded cockroaches (like most other cockroaches) aren’t that picky. Leftover food crumbs, scraps in the garbage, or even starchy non-food materials like paper are all fine dining to these scurrying pests. Their relative lack of pickiness is also a concern for homeowners, as this means they easily survive on whatever is available, which can serve to lengthen the amount of time they survive in your home.

Most often the only glimpse you catch of one is as it scurries away from the light and your presence when startled. Males can and will fly away if threatened, making it more difficult to track where they have set up shop.

Females can lay up to 600 eggs each year, and given their fairly long life cycle (on average 206 days) they can be quite the nuisance. Extermination is usually a matter of tracking down all the homes, and all eggs, as they are often spread out throughout a host home.

Types of Brownbanded Cockroaches

Brownbanded Cockroach Identification

Commonly described as: tv cockroaches.

As one of the smaller cockroaches, the brownbanded cockroach rarely exceeds an inch in size. Their name comes from their trademark brown rings over the midsection of their bodies. Males are typically thinner and longer while females are thicker and shorter. Both males and females have wings, but the female wings do not cover the whole abdomen.

Brownbanded Cockroaches In The House & The Apartment

Brownbanded cockroaches in your home will set up shop in elevated areas (often attics, or storage areas at the top of a house) and remain relatively hidden during the day. Some common places to find these insects are in cabinets, drawer units, or under furniture/wood paneling. In other words, if its out of sight, not heavily trafficked, and dry, it’s home to a cockroach. At night the waiting game is over for these pests, and they begin their search for food.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I have roaches behind my hanging pictures?

Cockroaches love warm and dry areas, so behind a picture frame on the wall is a perfect hideout spot.

Why do I have roaches in my bookshelf?

As cockroach infestations get bigger, these pests will try to find any small space once other get full. Eventually they’ll hide behind books on a shelf, behind picture frames on the wall or even within the folds of furniture. The greater the infestation, the more likely you’ll see them out in the open. Brownbanded cockroaches also like to eat starchy foods like paper and the glue from bookbindings and that’s why they are often found on bookshelves.

What are the benefits of professional brownbanded cockroach pest control?

A pest management professional has the education, equipment and skills necessary to effectively address a brownbanded cockroach problem. Finding and treating the brownbanded cockroaches can be challenging, especially if their home and eggs are spread throughout your house. A cockroach management professional provides their expertise to identify the pest problem and determine the best possible solution to resolve the brownbanded cockroach infestation.