Facts About Odorous House Ants

These can be real stinkers, but that’s about it. The odorous house ant gets its name from the strong, rotten coconut or blue cheese smell they release when they are crushed or threatened. This is why the species is also sometimes called the stink ant, coconut ant or simply the odorous ant. They are found both indoors and outdoors, but they are only occasional pests despite their name. Odorous house ants are found all across the United States.

Odorous House Ant Bites

Odorous house ants do not sting or readily bite. These smelly ants prefer to emit a strong foul odor to ward off enemies. Although the stench isn’t dangerous for people, it is definitely annoying.

Odorous House Ant Infestation

When found outdoors, odorous house ants will nest underneath stones, logs, mulch and debris. Inside, they will nest in wall and floor voids, under doormats, in dishwashers, and even under toilet seats. They will typically be found in warm areas or in places close to water sources. Although an odorous house ant infestation can happen within your home, it will not cause any major structural damage.

A colony of odorous house ants can range from one queen and a hundred workers to hundreds of queens and thousands of workers. These smelly ants, unlike some of their relatives, are not equipped with stingers to defend themselves. Instead, they release a sour-smelling secretion that may only make humans want to plug their noses, but will help keep predators away.

When odorous house ants forage for food, they do so along established trails. They will feed on a variety of things, including dead insects, sweets, and meat. These smelly ants can sometimes lead to contamination of food. Like other ants, they are also fond of honeydew, the excretion produced by sap-eating insects like mealybugs and aphids.

Types of Odorous House Ants

Odorous House Ant Identification

Commonly described as: smelly ants, stink ants, coconut ants, odorous ants.

Worker odorous house ants are dark brown and they range in size from 1/16 to ⅛ inch. If you’re unsure if you’ve got odorous house ants, step on one and take a sniff. If you smell something nasty, there’s a good chance these ants have found their way into your home.

Odorous House Ants In The Home & The Garden

If a few worker odorous house ants are found inside the home, it is a sign that they are entering from outside in search of food. However, if winged swarmers are found inside the house as well, this means that you may have an odorous house ant infestation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of professional odorous house ant pest control?

A pest management professional has the education, equipment and skills necessary to effectively address a smelly ant problem. Finding and treating the ant colony can be challenging, especially if the main colony is hidden somewhere outside in the lawn. A pest management professional provides their expertise to identify and determine the best possible solution to resolve the odorous house ant infestation.