Bed Bugs Are Pests All Year Long

It may have been a while since we talked about bed bugs here, but they haven’t stopped causing trouble since summer came to an end. Bed bugs are an issue throughout the year, as human populations in dormitories, apartments, hotels and other places of shelter continue to turn over time and time again.

Throughout the fall, the team at Catseye Pest Control has gotten numerous calls from people throughout the east and west faced with these parasitic insects infesting their homes. As bed bug outbreaks have occurred in homes and facilities throughout the world in recent years, circumstances such as travel, hotel stays, second-hand furniture purchases, and trips to the laundromat can have serious consequences when you return home.

As a reminder, bed bugs are only a quarter of an inch long – looking like an apple seed – and thus can hide in couches, beds, blankets and folds of clothes quite easily. As a female bed bug can lay more than 500 eggs in a lifetime, the rate at which a bed bug population can grow can cause the infestation to be quite tremendous in a matter of weeks.

Luckily, bed bugs do not carry or transmit diseases, but their bites can cause quite a bit of itchy distress to anyone, including your children and pets. Bed bugs will bite any exposed areas and skin, thus many travelers have woken up to ugly bites on their faces, necks and arms.

A simple search online for bed bugs will definitely keep you busy as you read of stories of bed bugs taking over facilties and residences throughout the country. Don’t let your house become one of the “worst case” stories. Make sure to call the professionals if you spot bed bugs in your mattress, couch or crawling around your house, and keep a mindful eye out for these pests whenever staying overnight somewhere new.


About The Author

Joe Dingwall

Joe Dingwall is the president of Catseye Pest Control, a family-owned business that has been delivering quality pest control solutions to properties across the Northeast since 1987. With almost a decade of experience in the pest control industry, Joe is an expert in delivering effective pest and nuisance wildlife management solutions for homes and businesses.